- Secure sustainability of PESI (governance) and its components.
- Facilitate and promote PESI as an INSPIRE standard towards EU countries (governments) and other stakeholders.
- Further efficient the liaison and interface to stakeholders (policymakers, researchers, biodiversity managers) and their specific requirements; support the implementation of virtual labs and feed-back mechanisms and ease the user uptake in data management environments (e.g. for collection management).
- Integration with external web services for relevant (additional) data. Optimise data-linking for core data types.
- Integration of key technical innovations: advanced workbenches, annotation services, validation tools, provenance and attribution standards and strengthening the infrastructures in general.
- Adding additional data types (in pan-European checklists) and linking new traits to the names.
- Extending the geographic scope ('Flora/Fauna Palearctica')
- Contribute to a (global) names-based architecture for linking biodiversity data (Global Names), including supporting routines for data discovery (e.g. text mining) and nomenclator governance.
- Use the PESI / European approach to enhance global approaches, including the development and sharing of best practices for species data management. Contribute to the defragmentation of species (data) management (contribute to an agenda on reducing redundancy of species data resources).
- Use PESI approach to outreach to European e-Infrastructures for the Eastern Partnership countries (also a DG-INFSO, DG-EAC, DG-RTD, DEVCO requirement).
- Efficiency fitness for use of relevant services for e-Science application (unifying the service layers), already starting in BioVel, TDWG and EU BON and promote the use of the virtual domain for infrastructure development.
- Integration of several levels of biodiversity data from local to European to optimise the sharing of resources (persistent IDs, data standards, cross-platform operability, cross-referencing, etc.).
- Secure synergy with major biodiversity informatics initiatives like LifeWatch, EU BON and GBIF.
- Further improve the taxonomic community involvement (as a taxonomic workforce) by further integrating the huge expertise networks of pan-Europaean checklists and Focal Points and developing alternative models (e.g. 'expert jamboree' and collaborative data papers) to increase expert participation. Promote an European approach on taxonomic expertise access and management supporting strategic bodies like CETAF.
Proposed by:
Yde de Jong
crosslinks with FADA?
Is there a specific interest in establishing (cross)links with the thematic Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment (FADA) database? http://fada.biodiversity.be/
HCMR as a partnering Organization
Dear Yde,
Please, add HCMR as a partnering organization for the PESI+
Adding new partner - Klaipeda University
Dear Yde,
Please add Klaipeda University as a potential partner to PESI+
Best regards
Dear Yde,
Could you please add ArtDatabanken (Swedish Species Information Centre) as a potential project partner?
Thanks / Anna
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